Monday 30 April 2012

Boring :(

School starts late , end school early . 8am- 11am .
V slack today at school , English 2 periods , mother tongue 2 periods . After school went to Gv to buy tickets for the movie for tomorrow :3
When we reached Gv was 11.30am. the counter was not opened yet :< therefore we went for lunch first .
When my friend was eating, i saw Jiamin :< She pretended never see me, so did i. awkward >_<  
The movie:
Looking forward to tmr !
Went back home after booking tickets .

Back home , went to sleep to 4pm ._.
Woke up and surf net , found some interesting stuff, thoughht might share it with you people out there :)
Two Raffles Junior College girls would rather stay in school than pursue their K-POP dream :<
Studies are more important, after seeing this video gave me motivation to study .
Their dance moves are good. Check out their dance moves :D  Ma Boy by Sistar So Cool by Sistar

Other than this, i found a Haru Haru parody. Funny .

-7pm , dad came back from overseas !
Like finally , have a long chat with him :)
-9pm watching pillow talk , the show is worth watching , it depicts about real life situation .
There is a saying " 戏如人生,人生如戏"。

-10pm online audition ;3  played with PROs ! was nervous though >< hah, but winning or losing was not important :> Click to enlarge :D
 On form (:
 Breaking new record !
 watched them play , in the meantime distracting lime and blur from wining :> haha !
 Gathering !
 See the perfs. in order. nice (Y)
 Wearing same outfit ;3
 And doing the same pose :D 

Going to sleep soon :)
Nights people ~ 
-Looking forward for tomorrow  ♥ 

Saturday 28 April 2012

Stressed Out

-8am learnt my lesson from yesterday. Set alarm And wake early to chop seats !
Mz late , I went alone :"(
Can you imagine the crowd ?!

-didn't manage to find a seat because of the overwhelming crowd :(
I stroll the library for 4 rounds then manage to find 3 seats . Study alone .
Mz came around 10.30 .
He put his bag and we went for breakfast @ KFC .

-11am went back to study . Today seems to be easily distracted by people around me :<
See this lazy boy sleeping . Never study till .
Study halfway, my phone died on me :(
Lucky I brought along charger along . Went to find a socket :<
Yh came at 2. And went around 3 to go for tuition .
Hah, when I return to my seats , I saw hong Wei and ling hui :)
Ask them to joined us study together .

-7pm, Rayner and yh came to join us. Hong Wei and ling hui went home to hve their dinner .
We study till 9 and left .
Went to passar lum , to stroll around and went home ._.

-10pm going gg sleep . Tmr lesson v slack , only have 4 lesson in school then release . Because our school sepak crawl [spelling error] won the national champion , our school decide to celebrate by having half day of lesson :)
Lesson starts at 8am end at 12 pm !
Hmms wondering what to bring for school for tomorrow ._.
After school don't know go where too :(
Studies had been stressing me out recently, feel like taking a break from it .
had no idea where to go ... hmms .

This is how i feel :<

 When we was about to go, we took a shot of this ! 
Guess which is mine :P

Love is not about how much you say "I love you" But how much you can prove that it's true .

-True friends are always there for you. Fake friends only appear when they need something from you. But really, no one is forever there, you gotta back yourself up .

Study study study !

Woke up early in the morning to catch a tv programme at 9.30 , doremon.
After the programme ended , when back to bed . LOL .

Woke up around 11 plus, Mz called to study. Gah, didn't have enough sleep :< 
 Suppose to meet at 12 , we drag till 1 then meet . Because my phone went crazy :< trying to transfer new songs to my phone, but it didn't sync well.
 Mz if you are reading this, sorry letting you wait so long :(
12.30, yh reached lols, we told him we meet at 12, yet we reached around 1plus .
 Reached , but didn't manage to find any seats :/ In the end, we ended up siting on the floor. 

 -3.30pm, hungry ! Long John for lunch :) Went back after lunch, some fucking phliphine don't know what is basic courtesy. I already put my bag there, yet she still snatch my seat . I don't really mind sharing with her . The main point is, she is not even reading the book that she is holding ! She is talking crap and doing imitate stuff with her boyfriend :/ It really pissed me . That not all, i grab my bag a search for my homework , when I was about to put back my bag where I place initially, I saw her bloody smelly legs .... Can't stand her . She really very 过分. Luckily she left when I was about to take a picture of her . If she was a second slower , I would have snap her bloody face and post on STOMP !

 Out of the blue, my mum called , said that she was admitted to hospital :< Worried :( initially went to Polyclinic see doctor to check her health. The doctor instead refer her to hospital. Because she failed some of the checks . She stayed at hospital with my bro till 9 to collect the report . 
 Mummy get back report and glad that she is fine :>
She came home, i saw her hand have lots of blood test injection marks :(
Daddy was overseas , kor tell dad about mum condition .
Daddy called me to take care of mummy for him :< Dad only be back my Tuesday :< 

Back to studying :) Study till, 6 plus , found 3 seats :) Expecting Rayner to come , but he hurt his hand somehow :x Hope he is fine, prelims are around the corner , try not to be sick so often =x 

his hand =x

Study around 7.30 Mz leave left , left me and yh. We study around 8.30 left. 
 Some pic for today contributed by yh and Mz . Lols just for fun only, no offence k. 
 yao hui laugh so cute :D
 Emo ? LOL !
 Dont stare at me please pai kia :< 
 Fuck off !

Mz took this when i was engross in my study ._. 

 -9pm reached home . Tired ! Study for 8 hours for today . We didnt text for the whole day :( had been wondering what she is doing. 
Went to her Tumblr refresh quite a few times today, didn't notice any post. think she might be sleeping/busy bah ._. 
Played quite well :) Saw the couple memo changed, it's so sweet compared to the last time :>
Let the picture do the talking :) click to enlarge k !
 1 round of beat up :D hope can maintain !
  1m! played really well :D
 Gah, x6 chain perfect still cant beat her. ALIEN !
 This made me smile :D  
-She remember the day we had couple each other (: 
Even though its just a friendship ring 
 On form ! 1m . rarely can 1 m any songs :<
Result :D if only i can keep this up, in every game :<

That all for today !

Friday 27 April 2012


I HATE IT !  when people leave without a word .
Dad went overseas again ! :<
I don't even know a single thing.
Sighh... FML .

Morning walk to school, guess what ?
Jiamin tap on my shoulder :/
when I was on the way to school, i was walking alone . Someone suddenly tap on my shoulder, when I turn I saw her .
I hold no grudges against her .
Idk if I can still talk to her. Everytime when She resurfaced in my life, i don't know am I happy or upset.
-She's gone :"(

During recess, my friends knew about my blog . And they are teasing me and Jiaying :/ idk how they found out . All along this blog, was only kept to myself .
When I was eating, they read the post that I posts ._. I was like eating and laughing at the same time :/

After school, went home to take some work and went to woodlance library to meet Rayner and study :)
Was expecting someone to come .
I held hopes for her .
And she didn't come .
First , movie was postpone .
Secondly, she didn't appear .

2 girl mean something in my life, Jiamin, Jiaying , hurt me once again .
What did I do to deserves all this ?
-fate decide to make a fool out of me ?

Rayner and his stead went for movie @ 7pm : hunger games . Didn't tag along, don't want to be lightbulb :/
5plus we left, didn't have the mood to study. I was getting shag . Wrote 3 full page of essay for social studies .
When I saw Rayner and his stead so lovey Dovey , it can't stop me from thinking Jiamin .
I remember the way I used to wipe off her tears whenever she was crying for me .
-What's gone is gone.

Went home alone , I contact a few of my brother to have a match of basketball .
All was not free :(
Everyone seems to be busy with their lives,
Only I am so free .
Sighh, felt so lonely . Otw home, I slowed down my pace , trying to let time pass faster . Walking aimlessly otw home . Ended up in one of the old place that, Jiamin and I used to be together .
Haizzz ... Everyone changed , things changed , feeling changed too.
-Love is a game you play but sometimes you lose.

-I'd rather have someone who shows they care than someone who just says it .

Thursday 26 April 2012

Looking forward for tomorrow (:

Had a conversation with her yesterday . Nervous till forget what i intend to say >so awkward .
Chat till almost forget tmr got exam =x
Hmm, hope these continue :)

Today is English early paper , paper 1 for compo , I wrote about ;
People are over dependent on technology , do you agree ?
It's the first time i chose argumentative question . Hope I can score well ^^
Paper 2 was still manageable , i finish in 1 hour and left summary . The question was quite straightforward .
1 paper down for prelims ! 6more paper to go :/
After school, was v exhausted . Went home straight, didn't attend achiever extended lesson :<.
Reached home , sleep ! Until 4 plus .

Looking forward to tomorrow , P.E teacher say tomorrow P.E lesson, we will run outside school . Most probably run to kthaib camp there :)
I prefer running outside of school , we would sing our school songs or some NCC songs while running, it make me proud as a yishunite :)
After school going to study with Rayner and his stead.
After that going for a movie . 3rd time watching horror movie :<
1st- drag me to hell
2nd- the women in black
3rd-dark flight
Don't really like horror movie though.
When I was young, I was very afraid of dark . I would keep the lights on when I am asleep . Afraid of dark, isn't because I have done something guilty .
It is just a phobia .

-looking forward to tomorrow :)

Wednesday 25 April 2012


Homed early , didn't have any extra lesson after school.
Intend to go library to study , when I reached home . I felt so tired . I just lay down , and I slept ...

Tommorrow is prelims early paper for English, not prepared for it . I guess this time prelims, I am going to fail badly...
Sighh, didn't have any mood for today .
I saw something that disappoint me .
Sighh, confused ._.
She deleted all her post about us . I wonder what happen :/
Have I don't something wrong ?

-Prelims , I fucking hate you .

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Today had geo test  . Pretty much screwed up :< i scribble through all the words cause the time given is very limited . I got my points there, I hope my handwriting is still readable >_< 

 Got back my Chinese test for comprehension. I flunk it ! ;x What my friends said maybe is right ? Mother tongue paper , is purely on luck? Sometimes I get good grades , some time I fail very badly ._. 
 Sigh , this can't carry on. O level mother paper is around the corner =x

 After school, got no achievers extended lesson :) Went home after that, was drizzling again ! :< maybe I should start bringing an umbrella to school ? :\ When home, took a nap less than 2 hours , friend called to ask me want to study.
 I was very reluctant to get out of my bed . 
Because raining is the best weather to sleep. Gah, but after my friend called , I can't get back to sleep already :( Took a quick shower and find them . When we reached, I found a table for 4 people . Reserved a seat for someone, in case someone is coming . 
 I guess I post till here for today, very Tiring day ! Going to catch some sleep ! Zzz Nights :>

-If things were only so simple.

Monday 23 April 2012

Monday's Blues

Hey, back to blogging :)
Got rush by some people to update blog :x
LOLS, I'm here updating. Happy ? :P

-8.25am school started late. Manage to reach on time ! My English teacher had been reserving NS for 3weeks already. Wondering when will he be back ._.
Today geo lesson, teacher having a v bad mood . Even I was being scolded :( for not bring geo file :<
Tmr having geo test , I am totally not prepared for it :<

-4.45pm achiever extended lesson ended !
Actually intended to study with Rayner, Yao Hwee and Ming Zun ._.
But Rayner was having a bad running nose since morning . As for me , I felt so tired . Monday periods is always tiring me out without fail <\3
Walked home and listen to music , suddenly it started pouring :<
Is it my luck ? Drenched when I reached home :\
I kept sneezing when bathing . LOL !
Chill feeling went down my spine ;x
After bath, went to take a nap . Zzzz

-7.30pm. Wake and had my dinner, study awhile then on audition to play with someone :p we had lots of conversation. My com went crazy, its on bup. The song that she chose and I play is totally different :x
Guess what ? She called . Gah, didn't know what to say . Was not prepared for it anyw :x
The call lasted for like 20seconds :D

Today in class I was humming a song .
Make a guess :)
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
The way you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell

Hmms, this song is catchy :) Did you guess it right ? :p

Off to sleep already . Tmr after extended lesson, going study with friends again =x
Thursday is early paper already , cannot slack anymore !
Enjoy these pictures :) Click to enlarge !

-Finally can win acataylst !
-You 136bpm- 1m score in bupatch (:

Recently, i met a v pro beat up player. i think she is audition the best perfect player . See the picture and you will know why :<

She can perfect v well, but she miss quite a lot ;x
If you see her, beware !

Saturday 21 April 2012

Study ;)

Today study with Rayner @ woodlance regional library . I was late =x he went there early to chop seats , can you imagine the crowd ? *stun*

I heard from Rayner , the library gate was opening, a lot people went squeezing in already . Luckily, we manage to get a seat :)
Study for like 1hour+ didn't have the energy to continue, stomach was growling :< Went to mac for breakfast ! Hot cake with sausage <3 Not full yet after finish ;x Around 1pm, we went for lunch at pasta mania :) I ordered ham chicken paste ? Forget the menu already =x Quite nice, but after a few servings, sick of the sauce already. But manage to finish it :>

-2pm ,Yao Hwee joined us . Rayner study till 3.50 went off for tuition . Left Yao Hwee and me . Yao Hwee taught me how to do vectors ! At least now I know how to do already . Going to practice for math, I am weak :(
6 pm Rayner was back from tuition and joined us back :D
And we study all the way till 9pm before leaving the library . We had study total of 11hours, including eat . Somehow find studying outside is more efficient . At home, with computer and television tends to distract me :<
Tireddddd! Consistency is key ! Hope I can hang on till O level !!!
Want to study tmr :( but all not free .
Hmms, hope someone would accompany me . Going to library alone is boring :<

yesterday rayner had wedding with his couple :D failed once but pass on the second try =x
I also had my love party ;3 

4th love party! sighh...  i cant understand out relationship. sometimes i feel like we are friends. some times i feel like we are more than friends
bu sometimes i feel like i am a stranger to her. 
#Words Left Unsaid

Enjoy the picture :DD Click to enlarge 
This is rayner and his couple .

Congrats :D

Jiaying and me (: Love party .