Monday 23 April 2012

Monday's Blues

Hey, back to blogging :)
Got rush by some people to update blog :x
LOLS, I'm here updating. Happy ? :P

-8.25am school started late. Manage to reach on time ! My English teacher had been reserving NS for 3weeks already. Wondering when will he be back ._.
Today geo lesson, teacher having a v bad mood . Even I was being scolded :( for not bring geo file :<
Tmr having geo test , I am totally not prepared for it :<

-4.45pm achiever extended lesson ended !
Actually intended to study with Rayner, Yao Hwee and Ming Zun ._.
But Rayner was having a bad running nose since morning . As for me , I felt so tired . Monday periods is always tiring me out without fail <\3
Walked home and listen to music , suddenly it started pouring :<
Is it my luck ? Drenched when I reached home :\
I kept sneezing when bathing . LOL !
Chill feeling went down my spine ;x
After bath, went to take a nap . Zzzz

-7.30pm. Wake and had my dinner, study awhile then on audition to play with someone :p we had lots of conversation. My com went crazy, its on bup. The song that she chose and I play is totally different :x
Guess what ? She called . Gah, didn't know what to say . Was not prepared for it anyw :x
The call lasted for like 20seconds :D

Today in class I was humming a song .
Make a guess :)
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
The way you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell

Hmms, this song is catchy :) Did you guess it right ? :p

Off to sleep already . Tmr after extended lesson, going study with friends again =x
Thursday is early paper already , cannot slack anymore !
Enjoy these pictures :) Click to enlarge !

-Finally can win acataylst !
-You 136bpm- 1m score in bupatch (:

Recently, i met a v pro beat up player. i think she is audition the best perfect player . See the picture and you will know why :<

She can perfect v well, but she miss quite a lot ;x
If you see her, beware !

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