Tuesday 24 April 2012


Today had geo test  . Pretty much screwed up :< i scribble through all the words cause the time given is very limited . I got my points there, I hope my handwriting is still readable >_< 

 Got back my Chinese test for comprehension. I flunk it ! ;x What my friends said maybe is right ? Mother tongue paper , is purely on luck? Sometimes I get good grades , some time I fail very badly ._. 
 Sigh , this can't carry on. O level mother paper is around the corner =x

 After school, got no achievers extended lesson :) Went home after that, was drizzling again ! :< maybe I should start bringing an umbrella to school ? :\ When home, took a nap less than 2 hours , friend called to ask me want to study.
 I was very reluctant to get out of my bed . 
Because raining is the best weather to sleep. Gah, but after my friend called , I can't get back to sleep already :( Took a quick shower and find them . When we reached, I found a table for 4 people . Reserved a seat for someone, in case someone is coming . 
 I guess I post till here for today, very Tiring day ! Going to catch some sleep ! Zzz Nights :>

-If things were only so simple.

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