Monday 30 April 2012

Boring :(

School starts late , end school early . 8am- 11am .
V slack today at school , English 2 periods , mother tongue 2 periods . After school went to Gv to buy tickets for the movie for tomorrow :3
When we reached Gv was 11.30am. the counter was not opened yet :< therefore we went for lunch first .
When my friend was eating, i saw Jiamin :< She pretended never see me, so did i. awkward >_<  
The movie:
Looking forward to tmr !
Went back home after booking tickets .

Back home , went to sleep to 4pm ._.
Woke up and surf net , found some interesting stuff, thoughht might share it with you people out there :)
Two Raffles Junior College girls would rather stay in school than pursue their K-POP dream :<
Studies are more important, after seeing this video gave me motivation to study .
Their dance moves are good. Check out their dance moves :D  Ma Boy by Sistar So Cool by Sistar

Other than this, i found a Haru Haru parody. Funny .

-7pm , dad came back from overseas !
Like finally , have a long chat with him :)
-9pm watching pillow talk , the show is worth watching , it depicts about real life situation .
There is a saying " 戏如人生,人生如戏"。

-10pm online audition ;3  played with PROs ! was nervous though >< hah, but winning or losing was not important :> Click to enlarge :D
 On form (:
 Breaking new record !
 watched them play , in the meantime distracting lime and blur from wining :> haha !
 Gathering !
 See the perfs. in order. nice (Y)
 Wearing same outfit ;3
 And doing the same pose :D 

Going to sleep soon :)
Nights people ~ 
-Looking forward for tomorrow  ♥ 

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