Tuesday 25 December 2012

Overseas trip with family

Day 3

Merry Christmas

From Cameron Highland, we went to Genting after the next day .
Not much pictures were taken because of the heavy fog.
The weather is freaking cold =x
We took cabal cars, here some pictures i snap from the top (:

On the last day , we catch a movie @ Genting. The movie was CZ12, it is a Jacky Chan Film.
The movie was great, it's humorous  ! It had been a long time since i watch movie.
I will rate this movie 9/10. Its a must watch show ! it's full of action and comedy :D
Jacky Chan last Film :( i loved to watch his show since young.
The next day we checked out and fly back to Singapore !
Well, this Christmas is much more meaningful, cause we can celebrate together as a family and overseas.
This is the best Christmas present i had ever had (:

Overseas trip with family

Day 2
After Penang, we went to Cameron Highland , it was a 3hour trip on the coach ;x
Cameron highland weather is freezing cold !
I wore like 4 clothing and i'm still shaking.

We went for breakfast, after eating, i felt much better.. 
maybe its because empty stomach that's why i feel so cold =x
We booked a Van for a one day tour around Cameron Highland and explore the place.
The scenery there is spectacular ! 
First, We visited the flower farm ~

After that, we went to Tea Center~ 
The tour show us how the tea is being process after it had been puck off from the trees.
-A lot of hard work are needed to produce quality tea 

Next destination, we went to the Bee farm !
Not much picture were taken, because inside is strictly camera prohibited =x

Next we went to strawberry farm ~
The strawberry were all freshly picked out. no perseverance.
Those Greens strawberry was not ripen yet, but the red are :)

Overseas trip with family (:

Current mood : Overwhelmed
Current song : Kesha- Die Young 

I'm always looking forward to going overseas with daddy and mummy .
They're always so busy with their work and rarely spent time with us.
When they mention they wanted to go overseas , I overwhelmed .
Because it had been a long time since we went overseas together .
This was a last min decision suggested by daddy.
We just packed a few clothes and left ;x

It's a 4 day 3 night trip to Malaysia!
First day we went booked a coach to Penang . We had spent 10 hours travelling on the coach !
Can you imagine , sitting on a coach 10 hours ?!
It was my first experience .
Luckily I had brought along a book to read , if not I guess I would be staring into space for 10 hours ! Lol .

In Penang , there was not much things to shop around . The place is very deserted.
Maybe is because we went to the rural area of Penang ;x
Majority people here are malay or Indian .
Minority are Chinese .
There is a communication barrier with the people there.
But luckily , my dad knows how to speak basic Malay :>

We found a one day tour in Penang.
We went for sight-seeing and took some pictures.
We had to board a 15 min boat to another small island, then we visited the Fort Canning Park and other small parts of the island.

Friday 21 December 2012

Reviving blog !

Well, I came back to revive my blog :x
Been a few months since I posted.
After O levels , i was busy and lazy to update my blog .
Subsequently , I found a job too .
I didn't want to be @ home everyday and hog on my computer.
I rather find something useful and spent my time (:
Currently I work as a postman !
Haha , this job is I find with my 2 good friends (Alan , Jun han )
This job was simple, I just had to deliver items/letters to people who brought things online.
And giving them advice on how to sent a parcels overseas .
This job was better than my previous, which I work as a waiter .

But sadly , I'm deployed to other department .
So I'm working alone in an different environment with them.
To be honest ,I was abit upset about the manager decision .
But well, what I just had to suck it up and live with it .

Working alone was boring .
No one to talk to. when having lunch, I had to eat alone :(
After a week , I started to bring my food to my workplace.
Firstly , I hate to eat alone in the public.
Secondly , I love my grandma cooking (:

After 2 months I started to get along well with my colleague .
We had more common topic to talk.
They are very friendly and easy to get along .

During the first month , I made a HUGE mistake ! :x
I had deliver wrong parcels to wrong person .
It was because the name were so alike.
So in the end I had to pay for the item that I had deliver wrong to the buyer :(
This might be a good lesson .
Since from this incident , I always look very carefully before I deliver any items...

The second BIG mistake was........
I went for lunch during my break time.
As usual i bought my meal and began eating.
When i finish my lunch, about to go back to my workplace.
I left my phone and wallet @ the fast food restaurant !
I didn't realized until i end my work.
I checked everywhere but could not find my phone and wallet :(
Last resort, i went back to the place where i had my lunch and check.
The manager of the fast food restaurant took down my details and ask me to wait outside..
My mind kept thinking about how my parents is going to kill me after i went home.
Well, god had been nice to me (: Thanks god.
The manger came out, and held something on her hand.
At the moment i was so relief ! i got back my phone and wallet with everything inside.
I'm so grateful to her, nothing can express my gratitude (:

Till now, whenever i had my lunch there. When i see the manager, i would always smile at her and be grateful for what she had done (:

-To the person who return my stuff to the manager, though i didn't know you. But i am really grateful.

Friday 20 July 2012

In a blink of an eye

Current mood : Reminiscence
Current song : Owl city, Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time

A week has gone by already. Every month - most of the times at the orthodontist's because it's a monthly thing - I'd find myself thinking "It's february/march/april/may/june and now JULY already".

2 years ago, I'd have an Sony Erricson s with me, not an iPhone4. I'd be on msn or something, talking to my friends, not sitting here blogging on my iphone after hours of practicing mathematics. 2 years ago in school I'd be skipping classes all the friggin time it's surprising that I can even manage to promote , not sitting at the front of the class and jotting down every single thing, worrying about my national exams this year, worrying about my future. 2 years ago, I'd tell my math teacher who thought I was talking to my friend during a test and reprimanded me for it, "Fuck you, I don't want to do your fucking test anymore. *rolls eyes* *throws test paper*", not give the "WTF" face, kept quiet and continued with the test. Which I am pretty confident in doing, fingers crossed!

Ahhhhh all the nostalgic memories. It's quite scary, come to think of it. How different things can be after 1-2 years. I wonder what it'll be like in the 1-2 years to come. This might sound dumb but I actually miss those fun and rebellious days hahaha I was freaking care-free. I didn't know how it felt like to be stressed. This year everything is topsy turvy, I'm just reminding myself to not lose it and stay strong all the time. sigh.

i'm out for a movie later @ Somerset , It's the Dark Knight Rises ! Wondering what to wear for later ;x hmms, i shall go iron my clothes :D

Enjoy your weekend everyone. X

Tuesday 19 June 2012

A day to remember

Current mood: happy :D
Current song: Jay Sean - I'm All Yours 

Back to blogging after long June holiday !
Decide to blog today , because something happen . I feel like blogging bout it :)

Today I've went to Yio chu Kang police station to report to my officer regarding to my case .
You might be asking what happen?
So basically, it happen last year during my November holiday.
That fateful night, i had quarrel with my ex because I found out that she had been cheating on me.
That night, I was very emotional. Lots of mixed feelings had cross my mind .
So I decided to take a stroll to calm my feelings .
Walkin aimlessly through blocks of building, and thinking back how she was used to be the last time ....
Sighh, people change, I don't even recognise her anymore .
So I ended up went to LAN shop . So I play for 5hours without noticing the time .
It was 2am already . And my phone had texts and missed calls, and it's not from her . It's from my parents ....
They were not asleep yet, though tmr they still have work .

Left the LAN shop around 2am , the bus service had already stopped. So I walked home . Otw home, mummy was worried . So kept calling me every 5 minutes :x
Mummy know something happen between us but I didn't want to let her know .
I don't want mummy to get worried :(

As I was walking pass a block, 2 indian guy approached me and ask to borrow my phone to make a phone call .
I rejected them and they kept pestering me, so told them where's the nearest public phone and walked away .
In a split seconds , punches and kicks were thrown from behind.
I was so shocked , my mind went totally blank .
I just remember I grab my phone tightly and throw back punches for self defence.
When they was not noticing , I ran as fast as I could to the nearest block .
I called my parents and told them
What happen.
I was bleeding profusely and bruises over my body . 
My parents lodge a police report .
Police officer and ambulance came down shortly.
They took my statement and nurse took care of my wounds .
Luckily nothing was being stolen and the Indians were not carrying any weapon .
So basically that's what happen :x

Today , I went down to police station because the person who assaulted me, wish to compensate my medical injuries.
I heard from my officer that I was not only the victim . He robbed another 6person including me .

My parents, did something that make me proud . And I repeated their decision :)
My parents had rejected the money that was being compensate to me .
At first I was quite amaze by my parent action . . And my parents told me " people do make mistake, we must learn to forgive and forget ."
They taught me a important lesson for today :)
I'm proud what my parents did.
So I return the compensation money back .
But I mange to take a picture of it , teehee :3

Anyw holiday ending soon, I guess I will blog even lesser, but I'll be on twitter ! Follow me, I'll follow back :) @Ah_bin95
Alright, that all for today ! Goodnight people!

-Cherish the people around you , don't wait till they are gone . 
Don't take things for granted .

Saturday 19 May 2012

No feelings attached

Current mood : Anguish 
Current song : Simple Plan - Save You

Back to blogging!  hii peeps !
Saturday is sure a boring day for me :(
Woke up early in the morning, watch doremon as usual . Watch halfway, slept :x haha tired !
Continue sleeping till 1pm ! Pig right ?

Starts studying , not productive .
Easily distracted as usual .
Gah, absorbs nothing . 
Had been thinking about my prelims results :< 
Sighh, if I produce this kind of result in O levels , 
I don't know how would I react . 
Probably, I'll go crazy ? 
Lol. In the evening , I notice my phone didn't ring for the whole day . 
Something amiss. 
I went I check , then found out , it's running out of battery . LOL. 
Nokia phone can last for 3days ! Amazing right ? 
Much better than any other phone (Y) 

Seriously , im not used to my life currently. 
I'm a person, who is a game addict, I used to play computer games, at least 5hrs daily. Suddenly without it, I felt very uneasy . 
But since I made this decision , I must make the best of of it ! 
I didn't regret a single bit , cause I know it's for my own good :) 

When my mum came back from work yesterday , she was shocked that I dismantle my computer . 
She was happy about it . 
She was very supportive :) 
I'm going to make her proud someday, I promise :) 

After charging, I receive messages and miss call. 
All regarding , studying ! Gosh! So turn off . 
Hah. And a message which surprise me. From, my ex . 
She asked if I still wants back the ring ....... 
If not she going to throw away . 
I hesitated, should I take back ? 
In the end, 
I chose to take back . 
I'm not so heartless as her. 
 We met @ northpoint . 

She still stays the same . As least not worst than me ... 
I'm totally ruined . 
She passed me the ring , i kept it . 
We walk towards NP , she asked me to smile .... 
Lol ? So awkward :< 
I just turn away . 

We parted at NP , i went to meet my sister and mother . 
Sister went to buy clothes. 
For me, I bought books . 
Used my savings to buy. 心痛. 
Use my own saving then i'll know how to treasure the book :) 
After buying books, 
went for dinner -> buy coffee buns ! Haha favourite <3

Haizzz , something been bothering me .
I don't know how to break the news to my parents about my prelims result.
They would sure be very disappointed about me. 
I keep go out study w friends, yet I produce this kind of shitty result .
If only, time can rewind, I wouldn't slack so much during sec3 -4 . 
I'm lagging way behind, trying to catch up whatever I can .

Too late to regret for anything , I'm going to work hard From now, 
hope it's not too late :)
Tomorrow going out with brothers for Billiard game :)
After this week, i had to really settle down and focus on studies .
Wish me goodluck peeps :)
Goodnight ~