Friday 21 December 2012

Reviving blog !

Well, I came back to revive my blog :x
Been a few months since I posted.
After O levels , i was busy and lazy to update my blog .
Subsequently , I found a job too .
I didn't want to be @ home everyday and hog on my computer.
I rather find something useful and spent my time (:
Currently I work as a postman !
Haha , this job is I find with my 2 good friends (Alan , Jun han )
This job was simple, I just had to deliver items/letters to people who brought things online.
And giving them advice on how to sent a parcels overseas .
This job was better than my previous, which I work as a waiter .

But sadly , I'm deployed to other department .
So I'm working alone in an different environment with them.
To be honest ,I was abit upset about the manager decision .
But well, what I just had to suck it up and live with it .

Working alone was boring .
No one to talk to. when having lunch, I had to eat alone :(
After a week , I started to bring my food to my workplace.
Firstly , I hate to eat alone in the public.
Secondly , I love my grandma cooking (:

After 2 months I started to get along well with my colleague .
We had more common topic to talk.
They are very friendly and easy to get along .

During the first month , I made a HUGE mistake ! :x
I had deliver wrong parcels to wrong person .
It was because the name were so alike.
So in the end I had to pay for the item that I had deliver wrong to the buyer :(
This might be a good lesson .
Since from this incident , I always look very carefully before I deliver any items...

The second BIG mistake was........
I went for lunch during my break time.
As usual i bought my meal and began eating.
When i finish my lunch, about to go back to my workplace.
I left my phone and wallet @ the fast food restaurant !
I didn't realized until i end my work.
I checked everywhere but could not find my phone and wallet :(
Last resort, i went back to the place where i had my lunch and check.
The manager of the fast food restaurant took down my details and ask me to wait outside..
My mind kept thinking about how my parents is going to kill me after i went home.
Well, god had been nice to me (: Thanks god.
The manger came out, and held something on her hand.
At the moment i was so relief ! i got back my phone and wallet with everything inside.
I'm so grateful to her, nothing can express my gratitude (:

Till now, whenever i had my lunch there. When i see the manager, i would always smile at her and be grateful for what she had done (:

-To the person who return my stuff to the manager, though i didn't know you. But i am really grateful.

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