Tuesday 25 December 2012

Overseas trip with family

Day 3

Merry Christmas

From Cameron Highland, we went to Genting after the next day .
Not much pictures were taken because of the heavy fog.
The weather is freaking cold =x
We took cabal cars, here some pictures i snap from the top (:

On the last day , we catch a movie @ Genting. The movie was CZ12, it is a Jacky Chan Film.
The movie was great, it's humorous  ! It had been a long time since i watch movie.
I will rate this movie 9/10. Its a must watch show ! it's full of action and comedy :D
Jacky Chan last Film :( i loved to watch his show since young.
The next day we checked out and fly back to Singapore !
Well, this Christmas is much more meaningful, cause we can celebrate together as a family and overseas.
This is the best Christmas present i had ever had (:

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