Saturday 19 May 2012

No feelings attached

Current mood : Anguish 
Current song : Simple Plan - Save You

Back to blogging!  hii peeps !
Saturday is sure a boring day for me :(
Woke up early in the morning, watch doremon as usual . Watch halfway, slept :x haha tired !
Continue sleeping till 1pm ! Pig right ?

Starts studying , not productive .
Easily distracted as usual .
Gah, absorbs nothing . 
Had been thinking about my prelims results :< 
Sighh, if I produce this kind of result in O levels , 
I don't know how would I react . 
Probably, I'll go crazy ? 
Lol. In the evening , I notice my phone didn't ring for the whole day . 
Something amiss. 
I went I check , then found out , it's running out of battery . LOL. 
Nokia phone can last for 3days ! Amazing right ? 
Much better than any other phone (Y) 

Seriously , im not used to my life currently. 
I'm a person, who is a game addict, I used to play computer games, at least 5hrs daily. Suddenly without it, I felt very uneasy . 
But since I made this decision , I must make the best of of it ! 
I didn't regret a single bit , cause I know it's for my own good :) 

When my mum came back from work yesterday , she was shocked that I dismantle my computer . 
She was happy about it . 
She was very supportive :) 
I'm going to make her proud someday, I promise :) 

After charging, I receive messages and miss call. 
All regarding , studying ! Gosh! So turn off . 
Hah. And a message which surprise me. From, my ex . 
She asked if I still wants back the ring ....... 
If not she going to throw away . 
I hesitated, should I take back ? 
In the end, 
I chose to take back . 
I'm not so heartless as her. 
 We met @ northpoint . 

She still stays the same . As least not worst than me ... 
I'm totally ruined . 
She passed me the ring , i kept it . 
We walk towards NP , she asked me to smile .... 
Lol ? So awkward :< 
I just turn away . 

We parted at NP , i went to meet my sister and mother . 
Sister went to buy clothes. 
For me, I bought books . 
Used my savings to buy. 心痛. 
Use my own saving then i'll know how to treasure the book :) 
After buying books, 
went for dinner -> buy coffee buns ! Haha favourite <3

Haizzz , something been bothering me .
I don't know how to break the news to my parents about my prelims result.
They would sure be very disappointed about me. 
I keep go out study w friends, yet I produce this kind of shitty result .
If only, time can rewind, I wouldn't slack so much during sec3 -4 . 
I'm lagging way behind, trying to catch up whatever I can .

Too late to regret for anything , I'm going to work hard From now, 
hope it's not too late :)
Tomorrow going out with brothers for Billiard game :)
After this week, i had to really settle down and focus on studies .
Wish me goodluck peeps :)
Goodnight ~ 

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