Wednesday 2 May 2012


Current mood : Vexed
Current song : After school - Because Of You

English prelims over , from today onwards , English periods will sub with math till prelims is over :< Today had 5 periods of math lesson ! Sian's, sit on a chair for 2h30min. Lucky still had friends here with me to entertain :>

-Recess, we brushes across each other .
In my heart I told myself , I hate to see you .
My friends add salt to my wound :<
 Haha but I am glad I left her , at least I am not so stupid already :) I am happy with my life now without her . I had my family and friends who stood beside me when I needed them . That girl ? I have no room for her ......
I do not need you in my life :D
Poa had surprise test ! Didn't study for it . I slept 2 periods , and handed question half done paper :/ 5 period of math is already very stress, still have another 3 periods of POA  , Stressed >.<

After school went when alone, listening to my music . Halfway through, it started drizzling , and my music was playing After School - Because Of You. Slow down my pace and began to enjoy being in the rain . Lots of memories flash past . The atmosphere was so nice :>

When I reached home :< drenched !
 After yesterday , didn't have the courage to text her anymore . Awakened ttm ;x  

When was playing audition . Something surprise me her own friends told me that they regretted know her . She has changed a lot from the past . Even her own friends also can't stand her ... what else can i say ? Speechless. 

The end ~

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