Thursday 3 May 2012

I'm not PERFECT ♥

Current mood : Frustration
Current song : Hedley - Perfect

Didn't have much sleep from yesterday night :< slept around 11pm, memories for social studies. 
 3am woke up to continue with memorising But very exhausted :/ study for 1 paragraph and went back to sleep .
 6.15am woke up! Woke up by text . 
If not someone text me , I bet I'll be late for exams ._. 
Reached school, rushing through my notes one last time before the exams start. 
8am, combined humanities SS ! The paper was hard ><
I left sbq last question did not cross reference for reliability . 
This not the worst of all.... What's worst is , I left seq 13 marks question blank :x Don't think will score well for ss ._. I keep dosing off .
last few minutes trying to scribble ;x

Mother paper was quite ok overall ... quite manageable (: 

When home after the papers !  tired ttm, woke up early in the morning to revise through ...
Text her , didn't reply .
On audition saw her .
Hop to other rooms.
Came for one game and left .
Text her what's wrong , didn't reply again...
No mood play, want to random room. Saw her , in one of the room and appear offline .
Don't know what's wrong . Felt so moodless.

 - i cant understand out relationship. sometimes 
i feel like we are friends. sometimes 
i feel like we are more than friends 
but sometimes i feel like i am a stranger to you.

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