Wednesday 16 May 2012

A day at home

Current mood : relaxed
Current song : Christina Perri - Jar Of Hearts

Back to blogging ! Due to time constraint from prelims, didn't have much time blog .
Prelims, I don't think I put enough efforts on it . So I don't expect good results, I'm going to learn from my mistake :)
Easily distracted by my surroundings .
Computer and phone is the majority .
I'm determined to study this time round !
I even had plans for it :D

Firstly, I will quit playing . By doing so, I'm going to disassemble my computer parts ._. That should stops me from being a addict .
*This only will take effect from next week onward *

Secondly, I'm going to change my phone .
Change to those kind of army standard phone which have no Internet access .
I hope I can find one though.
Thirdly, I packed my room today, my stuff have been like lying arounds for weeks because finding notes to study or upcoming exams . Woke up 6+am , body alarm :(
Used to wake so early for school.
Didn't manage to get back to sleep, so I thought I might as well use the time to pack my stuff .
After sorting out worksheet and books. I mop and vacuum my whole room. While was vacuuming the room, my toe knock against the bed :< small cut, and bled.

After spending 2 hours of packing, when I was about to play computer, Yong Xiang called , ask of wether wanna have breakfast . Recently he's very random, he called me randomly and meet up ._.
So ate Ya Kun @ northpoint . After that, went to timezone, while waiting for my friend to come .
Watch Yong Xiang play jubeat . Play jubeat need to study the waves . 
I wonder how long to master it o.o... he's really good (Y)

After playing, we parted at mrt station and I went home .
Watch funshion .. 
This whole week, i'm going to enjoy myself , next week starts intensive mother tongue, meaning, whole day 
study mother tongue language . boring max ;x 
prelims ended not long, mother tongue papers starting soon alr :( 
So much books to keep me entertain from today onward :(

Saturday , celebrate mother's day !
A fun day filled. Celebrated w family.
When aunt was going back, send her a text for coming to celebrate mother's day.
Haha, i glad I had a aunt that care so much about me :)
let the pictures do the talking :D
 Mother's day cake !

 haha my brother, he hiding ._.
 He appeared ! 

Shall end my post here, 
head hurts :(
Partly, is because woke up very early ...
going to catch some sleep for tomorrow school :D
It's painful to think you will never be mine but it is even more painful to realize i knew it all the time.

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