Friday 13 April 2012

Busy week !

Hey I am back to blog again ! ^_^
This week had been busy , and lots of things happen ...
First , My poa teacher , Mr fung had been Mia ! He even deleted his Facebook, I wonder what happen to him... rumors  had been spreading that he was sacked due to some reason ._. Damm, he was my favourite poa teacher ! He always show us YouTube videos whenever we are tired . He would always book the library for us to enjoy the air con:) We always slack during poa lesson. Now he's gone .
No more air-con. No more YouTube videos :(
2nd, my classmate finely , had got a accident during PE lesson.
The girls played catching in the hall.
Finely was chasing one of the Malay girl .
The Malay girl shoulder bang on to a glass door , finely was right behind her.
The glass shatters into pieces ! I wonder how can a girl break a glass door ._.
Finely was right underneath the glass.
She have cuts in her face and was sent to the hospital immediately.

Third, Friday is speech day , so boring ! We sit at the hall for like 5 hours ! After that, me and Rayner went to library to study :)
Somehow, I prefer to study outside than home .
At home, I can't study more than 2hours .
I can't concentrate when I am at home :(

4th, hmms, I guess I going to give up audition and really focus on my studies :<
I had been this this from march holiday till now ._. I know :(
Here is some pics for this week beat up :)
Enjoy the pic .

Lastly, it's about Jiaying ....
Her boyfriend is seriously a bus-third.
How can a guy slap a girl?!
No matter what reason , girls should not be slap or being used on violence .
I look down on guys who slap their girlfriend seriously .
Girls are meant for u to love, not like ur Toy._.
_l_ Guys i salute u with _l_ fuck guys out there who slap your girlfriends.
He don't even cherish her , she even cover up him .
To be truthful, this kinda guys not worth anything .
He is just making use of you . You are just like a toy for him to be played around .
Leave him and find a better guys.
He ain't worth any of ur love .

-9am, Saturday. Going to prepare to go out with Rayner to study :)
daddy is coming back from overseas tonight !
Hope he buy something that i like :)
Have to go ! Ciaos ~

-5.30 reached home !
Studying with rayner was productive . i thinnk its becuz he is quiet type of guys, and personally i don't talk much too (: 
we went to HOT TOMATO for lunch . 

went back to library after our lunch, when we realise that it was raining heavily outside :( 
Didn't study much after that. we just packed out stuff and went off. 
-8.44pm going to bath and audition ! ;B

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