Tuesday 17 April 2012

Hanging on

-7.10, guess what I saw when I walked to school ?
Yeah, it's her . Jiamin.
No feelings attached anymore .
Tired to hate anyone .
Blasting song, walking v fast to avoid her .
The end :)

- 3pm, skipped achievers ! Hate poa extra class. Teacher is boring, naggy. Still wondering what's happening to mr fung.
I bet tmr mdm tan will nag about why I didn't attend her extra lesson again :(
Today totally screwed up everything in school :<
Pretty disappointed with myself .
I studied so freaking hard for my chemistry , and my test came back with 3/25 . Damm pissed and disappointed .
Teacher knew I studied too, she call me don't give up. And don't make so much careless mistake .
Sighh, effort gone to waste .
Math test , I screwed it up .
Prelims is around the corner , my result is like ridiculous .
I had lost the motivation to achieve good result anymore .
I never study, at least my grades is better though ;x
Haizz, don't know what's wrong with myself .
Shall go and bath and study for tommorrow poa test. Poa, my last hope.
Don't disappoint me .

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