Monday 2 April 2012

Monday's Blues

It's 4am now, had a nightmare :"(
didn't manage to get back to sleep._.

6.27am, Surprisingly Jiaying text me saying that she saw lightning again, and cant get back to sleep;<  we texted each other, i found out that she love gloomy bear ;3 i went to take a short nap before waking up to go school. i call her to reminds me to wake me up in case i overslept, wanted to hear her voice . but she ended the call :'(

8.00am, i went to school without umbrella. the rain was so heavy ! i got myself so drenched when i reached school. .
2pm, i skipped the achiever lesson. totally restless. didn't have enough sleep from the nightmare i had this morning ._. *Yawn* from yesterday till now didnt have much rest ;< currently so tired.
going to rest for awhile ;/ eye are getting more and more painful. i found out that my vision is blur. maybe i need a spectacles soon ;(
My family finally come back from overseas ! (:

Really wish to go back to the history, the past.
Those wonderful memories that we've in the pas :(
i miss those times, i really do.
i tried & tired to stay strong but everytime i tired i failed :<
She is never going to be the same </3
She is no longer mine anymore, she found another Mr. Right.
Leaving without any words and regret. i hate her for that ;'(

Can't hang it much longer♥
Controlling my tears .

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