Friday 30 March 2012


Today lost mood :(
What really happen to me ? ;/
Life for me, are getting hard & bitter
I really don't know what to do, can anyone teach me ?
theses few days, feel so lifeless. 

Cherish things & people you havenow before it's gone. 
Grab them with your both hands & never let go.
You will regret for sure, if you don't grab them tightly now.

Currently, tears rolling down my cheecks :'(
wipe & wipe, what else ? 
there is nothing i could do. 
i'm useless . 

Parents, Brothers, Friends & co.
will you be by my side when i need you ?
touch your heart and tell me your answer .

Just came back home around 2 pm. skip lunch again, eatting alone is boring. Play audition awhile before blogging. For the whole day, been trying to concentrate in class. keeping myself occupied, to stop thinking about her .I think i screwed up my Chinese paper 2. i couldn't even finish it. i think all that i wrote was rubbish ._. Today my is NAFA 2.4km, i ran 11.40. which i didn't expect. cause all the while i was like running 13~14 minutes. Gah, still didn't manage to get A which was disappointing. After that run, i used up all my energy, i felt nauseous . Next week going to be the 5 station, aim to get a gold ! Sigh, i am such a failure in life. This morning, my parents went overseas, i was like in the dark. they didn't even tell me that they are going, when i woke up. i didn't see them, i called them, they didn't answer. i only know when i text my brother. Sighh, i am always the last to know everything. 
Felt so lonely, Bored Bored Bored ! Dinner ? Skip ? hah ...

Tears rolling down my cheeks again & again. 
can't hang on much longer :'(

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